Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Xmen Wolverine

Xmen! I want to watch this movie, and today is Wednesday! I feel like going Sunwaypiramid to watch this movie!! but should I wait till next week watch with my college friends?=P
Jason please answer me!

so guys! after you have watched this movie, please don't tell me the story =D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

9, sembilan, JIU, GOU monthss.

Happy 9th Month

"Willing to forgive each other
makes us stay longer."





Monday, April 27, 2009

study plan+ study mood TUNED

Guess what? mr.Baboon had get ready with all his study plan for the next 1 month
so that he is able to pass CAT T3,T4,T5 with flying colours =D

start doing
#1. T3 EDC/EFC Pack
#2. T4 Demo Set A, B, C
#3. T5 Kaplan

it's only 3 but that is ALOT! any idea we still have any homework?
I have a message to my classmates, please STUDY NoW!
lets work hard!

look for your aims and goals, that is the path you should follow with.
The Secret video really impress me a lot, and motivates me a lot too.
and what should I do after that?
is to control my taught! and learn the Law of Attraction.

still don't understand? try to get the video and watch it.

so conclusion, study mood TUNED by UltraBaboon for turbo racing =D

Sunday, April 26, 2009

relaxing family day

wake up and went to eat dimSum at ss15. quite cheap.

later on went to Uncle's (dad's little brother) apartment at Taman Desa, I think he is going to bring my cousin and I go China. =)
nice nice. ^^

later on went to Aunty's apartment. (mum's sister), went there to play 4 hours of mahjong lol.
in the end I just lost rm2. and my mum win rm9.50

later on went to Damansara Uptown to eat Sate Kajang Hj. Samuri.
not bad! Must ask some guys to go there and eat.
bought a famous curry puff there.

and now I am eating it. =D
I should start study from tomorrow on wards. T3-T4-T5!!!

punchoi nice right? =)

25-4-09 (SATURDAY)

this morning stay in the house act "guai" so that later can go eat punchoi.
around 5pm went to Debbie house to get my CK One perfume =)
thank you Debbie's mum and Debbie.

and went to Shu Ying's house to fetch her. Continue to Sunway, waited Xian Tze at the Caltex.
continue drive to 1utama. met Jason Chong there, he reached there earliest.
and I'm the 2nd one. =)
6.30pm already ZY and Liki still not yet reach. Mun hon say cause of Kock Hwua. nevermind lar I don't mind waiting you all, as long as you all reach here =D

4 car drive to Sungai Buloh, 1.ZY 2.Liki 3.ME 4. Jason. luckily Mun Hon got Touch n Go, he lend me, thanks.

oh yea actually Choon Lim and Jun Mun already inside the restaurant.
reached there and find a parking and we enjoyed our food. Chit-chat around and we are the last one who came out from the restaurant.
we took photos, here is it. =)

1. eh how come 2 guys missing? =) they are taking photos.

2. we love S5, show your 5!

we decided to go Yamcha at ss2 -Murni. While driving and turning into the wrong road. Jason went the other road, so we continue back to ss2.
Chit-chat again in Murni, I love their Ribena lol. will go try next time.

around 11smtg only reached home. =)

Friday, April 24, 2009

bad luck? it's my skill problem ==''

today finished T5 mock exam.
Daniel, Michelle, and Sohan left US (Me,Jason,Katharine,WeeLiang, Beh, Leng)

then Beh and Leng doesn't wan to follow us to Sunway. and I just want to eat something in Sunway Piramid. So Katharine,Jason and I meet at Sunway eat at Dragon-I.

kinda expensive but still affordable since Jason so rich right? =)
eventually paid around RM30 for that meal.

we went to Anatomi to look out, and Jason attracted to some Fashion clothes, not really LALA type. Actually Anatomi is not a Lala shop lar, some clothes still can wear want. =)
Jason bought the Fedora hat for RM30 for some purpose. =D
you should ask him.

after that went to Padini, look out some shirt too.
And I speed to CHS school, since Shuxuan, Jee Seng, KaiLin and etc reached there.
Go through NPE and my speed reached to 140km/h then I slow down. =)

reached school and went to Ulang, saw my babe like so busy preparing food and I didn't really eat just some drinks.

then they started to play games in Dewan Kuliah. around 3.45pm we went to Midvalley.
4 girls and 1 WeiJie sit in my car, luckily still can move but no power lar wei.

Having a big HOPE that The Uninvited will be very scarry, but end up SIGH!
Actually I had expected that after reading the review from the newspaper. Korea-Japan-Thailand ghost movie is still the best. =)

later went home. fetched Jia yi back and SCRATCH a car damn fuck it ==''
eventually I drive away. stop at the bus stop. The moment when I am going to check the car, I can't breath until when I saw my bumper didn't DENT, few scratches. ==''
so I assume that stupid BLACK COLOUR TOYOTA CAMRY didn't dent too.
Camry will be harder right? =.=

screw it, I were like so damn F*** up passing through NPE with 140km.h NAH! maximum 90km.h only. Having some fear already. Reached home told my dad lol he a little bit dulan.
I asked my maid quickly polish the scratches, so that when my mum see it she won't be as dulan as my dad haha. but damn it lar, the bumper abit not in the proper like moving out too much hard to describe will post the picture up.

So who should I blaim? and of course myself. =='' skills problem. reverse that time didn't really take more attention looking at the left mirror.
and the area is dark+ the car black colour wtf!!

it's ok. Jia yi it's not your fault also lar. my fault. I am sure after this incident your parents wont let you sit my car hahahahaha. Anyway it's good for giving me an experience, I will be more aware of that.

and tomorrow I am going to Sungai Buloh. Drive safely -.-

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang 09.

wake up late in the morning prepare myself and everything. and that's it! what a smooth drive at 7am you know why? It's SATURDAY!

reached there went to Wakil Store to meet weijie, fiona and also LM committee.
ah! hot hot hot, I am feeling so hot =P

went to the Reading corner and register myself. get number SC046?!
enter the hall, wait for the speeches, it is so damn boring, sms-ed babe he just waked up forget to inform her that I wake up and etc.

and next it's the time to receive our prizes. ^^
received my prizes, asked Lee Young to took photos and here is it!

ah! not so nice lar this photo. something under me and my smile omg?! =.=''

can't believe around 10am then finish already.
decided to go sunwaypiramid.
damn! it's that place where I almost went it everytime to watch movie, and my frens decided to go again AHHHHHHHHH! why not midvalley? =)

before that drive to ss15, asia cafe to eat breakfast. and continue play pool at the Asia club.
can't believe lose continuous 3 rounds to Nick and Wei Chuen. lol we almost win ahhh! the damn last black ball =P

goooDie. went to sunway piramid around 2pm. Lol! Debbie bring me to test the CK ONE lol.
memang not bad lar. go for it! =)

bought movie ticket Sinjuku Incident. actually wanna watch The Uninvited but still Sneak Preview so we are not really interested with it. lol. some boys gang went to watch F&F.

and they went to MCD. lol deng 3 couple and where is my girl!? I wan 4 couple!! =)
nah! my girl is busy ^^
and got her new photo lol =) nice1! new look but still my girl right? ^^
babe I like your pict!

hiu! went home and I am so steaky! =)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

freaking movie addiction!

2 days before..
What will you do when someone dare you? Your first reaction is to ACCEPT the dare.
So what the next step after accepting the dare, you have to prove it with action.

and here you goes...=)

Me:"haiyoo ponteng t3 and watch movie lar."
Leng:"u say want ah..."
Me:"if you dare to drive me to Sunway Piramid, I dare to ponteng."
Leng:"You better be responsible for what you said."

*Leng packing her stuff*

Jason:"Haiyoo! come lar! Sook chun ar."

everyone stunted for 5seconds.

Me:"Come lar lets go lar, I will responsible to what i say."
Leng:"You say want ah..."
Beh heard what I said, and she say:"Come lar!!"

I pack my stuff, asking Jason to be faster.
Jason pack his stuff.
Beh pack his stuff.
And 4 of us walk out the room LOL!

4 of us are getting so random, daring each other end up watching this movie.
LOL! almost all the movie I already watched lar. So I am waiting to watch Xmen and the Uninvited =P

well tomorrow 3 cars going to Klang to visit OUR good friend.

suggested by our Klang Dai Kor lol Leng and Beh ^^

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday 13th =)

I am so freaking boring today, wake up and eat porridge.

therefore, my great mum asked my cousin and I to watch movie.
So I online and check for the movie list, come on..there is no excited movie for me, ah!

end up choosing a scary movie? Friday The 13th

come on! not really scary enough, it's too normal for me! I need a scarrrrrrry movie! xp.
damn! remind me of Munn Sing shacking the whole cinema seat. U ROCKS! =)
*no offence yea*
kk I rate this movie, 4.5/10 lol. Is just my personal rating.

and I am addicted to movie, telling myself to AT LEAST watch 4 movies in 1 month.

so what's the next movie? Next week should watch..He's just not that into you and also Xmen!!
excited want should be Xmen!

well tomorrow, mahjong day again? Wish me luck to win money =P

Saturday, April 4, 2009

god shit! I LOST!

3-4 (Saturday)
wake up super early this morning 4am. went back to Muar. need to do what? Sweep grave? lol.
so eventually this year all of us just sweep MY Grandpa's grave, but not My Grandpa's dad grave, cause actually we decided to sweep it during last week but that day was not a really good day so my grandma did not allow us to go so the other relatives had already swep it.

still remember the moments with my grandpa, driving Proton Wira. ah..lovely =)
hopefully he will bless all of us.

later went with my dad's smallest brother, my uncle to eat mee rebus lol.
I just can't believe my cousin's have phobia with cats, they started to feel so scare when the cats are near them. =)

oh yea, and uncle decided to bring my cousin-WenYung and I for holiday hopefully he will not break his promise. ^^

4-4 ( Sunday)
god damn shit! Guess what I LOST?!

my wallet?

my handphone?

my mp3?

my computer?

my everything?

and that is I lost RM10++ "LOL"
due to this

ah! it's ok! but it's really cool that my cousin keep winning with big "FAN".
even we are playing 1 FAN = RM0.50, I know it's a small amount =D
but can you imagine the feeling of my cousin win RM 30 LOL! is like the first time for me.
I'm just a newbie. ^^

Friday, April 3, 2009

damn Fast damn Furious 5?

Just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic
during 31st of March.
pretty much of laughing. =) enjoy it. I will give a rate of 7/10 for overall.
and guess what today I just watched Fast & Furious 4
owh damn! who reminded me of this movie, MUNN SING! =)
damn you lol. He is so damn smart asking me to watch this movie, and I totally forget that F&F is showing today!
and I get so excited and decided to watched this movie after T5 class which last till 6pm.
We decided to watch the 7.10pm.
I asked Stephen to help me buy the ticket, but in the end he did not answer my phone and CRAP!
I wasted so much on the phone! and I run to the Cybercafe just to look for you!
damn! at least give me a call and tell me that you cannot get the tickets.
I will not ask you to help me buy tickets anymore, the TRUST is not there. =.=''

Luckily 7 of my friends did not dulan or what @@ DAMNNNNNNN!
you owe me a movie ticket! don't let me find you. and my handphone credit straight decrease from rm15-Rm20 (I am not sure) till Rm12 now.

alright alright, I am ok right now, Stephen Goh relax down I won't kill you or eat you, I just need your apologize.

continue back to the story, for the starting part is the same like the preview. =)
don't really want to talk much about the storyline, I can describe it in 1 word- COOL!

ah! the spoiling sentences here. =)
*Highlight it if you want to read*
OMG! F&F 5 with Vin diesel again? xp! I love his botak hair style lol. In the end I knew they will be something happen, its true. Vin Diesel will not enter the jail. I can almost confirm that 90% there will be F&F 5. I am kinda curious what will be the next storyline be. VinDiesel's girlfriend dead. so next? her sister? =P
alright. end of the day. and thanks Daniel for fetching me back. ^^
i enjoy your Persona xp! Vroooooooooooooooooooom! goodnight.

tomorrow's target :- study and start doing the MS!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my precious 3 HOURS =)

it's 1st of April! and god damn it! JPA is going to interview me on 1st of April!
are you kidding me? not April fool lar.

actually don't really know the procedures until Wee Liang explained to me yesterday.

wake up pack all the stuff I need to change later, arrived at Sunway UC, waited Wee Liang outside SunU residence so that he can take my stuff and put it in his room.

it's all T5 again. the lively CAT PAPER T5.

around 11am, finished T5 and went to cafeteria to had brunch.
later on went to Wee Liang's room to changed. First of all, my holy shit brownish hair.
Look at ME, do you think I am a guy who want to study? I don't think so.
So end up combing a "CURRYPUFF" hair style

lol can't really find that hairstyle but it's just almost like this.

everything is done, mum reached around 12.30pm. and we went to Putrajaya International Convention centre.
reached there sign the paper, and waited till 2pm.
enter to the small hall, stupid lar i am the last one, waited until 5 smtg.
so 3 HOURS gone.
and Wee Liang is the first batch, finished it so fast. I am glad that he is willing to wait for me.
Of course lar, he don't have transport xp.

*** finished that interview just rushed back.
send Wee Liang to Sunway.
and I went back home.
oh yea not to forget mention my class mate.


I know I can't acompany you to celebrate your birthday due to the JPA interview,
but you know I am going to wish your dreams come true =P
I know how u had been through to become 18. Continue and work hard. ^^
*hope you see this*

damn it! I wan KIM GARY, I want to skate lol.
I dun care, next time you all must teach me how to skate! =)