Thursday, April 16, 2009

freaking movie addiction!

2 days before..
What will you do when someone dare you? Your first reaction is to ACCEPT the dare.
So what the next step after accepting the dare, you have to prove it with action.

and here you goes...=)

Me:"haiyoo ponteng t3 and watch movie lar."
Leng:"u say want ah..."
Me:"if you dare to drive me to Sunway Piramid, I dare to ponteng."
Leng:"You better be responsible for what you said."

*Leng packing her stuff*

Jason:"Haiyoo! come lar! Sook chun ar."

everyone stunted for 5seconds.

Me:"Come lar lets go lar, I will responsible to what i say."
Leng:"You say want ah..."
Beh heard what I said, and she say:"Come lar!!"

I pack my stuff, asking Jason to be faster.
Jason pack his stuff.
Beh pack his stuff.
And 4 of us walk out the room LOL!

4 of us are getting so random, daring each other end up watching this movie.
LOL! almost all the movie I already watched lar. So I am waiting to watch Xmen and the Uninvited =P

well tomorrow 3 cars going to Klang to visit OUR good friend.

suggested by our Klang Dai Kor lol Leng and Beh ^^

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