Saturday, August 1, 2009


it's Lembaga Maintenance Annual GM.
here you go with the new batch of Committee again. =)

yeah I did not attend, but I shall say that I know the results already. =D

To: the new committee 09/10
just hope that you all will do the best for LM, and remember the time is short. 1 year can be very fast. don't believe ask your Ex Committee.
take it as a good experience for you, and get ready to face problems.

but no matter how, you all must unite. remember UNITE!
There is nothing that can beat the power of 15. trust me.
all the best in the future activities.

and Narongrit please make sure you know all the ex-commitee. =D

and also to my form 4 junior, I know it's hard for you all to accept it.
but the place is for 15 only. I know you all did the best. Continue and work hard in LM.
like Chun Yan said:" Once LM, forever LM."
you had learn something new in LM? keep it in your heart, use it when necessary.

and Wakil Kelas committee, please take care of Wakil Kelas =D
I am sure you all can do it. Improve the quality of WK!
Go Go WK! =)

and from now on, i am EX EX K.wakil kelas. 1 year older!

some photos from Tsae Shiang and Tong's blog.

40 candidates for 15post.

Vice President and President

the LM Committee 09/10

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