Tuesday, August 18, 2009

holy crap! =)

here you go with my CAT T3, T4, T5 results.

all Pass!

and to my lovely friends. work hard alright? you still have the chance on December 09.
trust me work harder, smarter and ask for my help. =D

do you know how suspense is it?
all get their results only my stupid tanboonwei@hotmail.com INBOX
didn't receive the results.
heart rate 190. =.=


oh god! pass. =D

and here you go with my Progress Test 1 Results.
T6 pass
T7 pass
T9? still not available yet. =D

oh yea and my timetable change again.
every monday to thursday
still till 6.15pm!!!!!!!!!

anyone save me? just give me a awake pill in every class.

Mr Jay:"If you concentrate in class for 3hours, you are saving 20hours of study." lol.

so make sure we don't sleep in the class alright?

alright goodnight everyone.

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